• OldtimerPribinaStar

4.-12.8.2023 Nitra Airport - Slovakia

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Oldtimer Pribina Star 2023

Hi flyers! Do you know why this spring started with such shitty weather, that the crows are forced to use the subway? The answer is simple: we kept the best thermals for the summer and we will harvest them together at the Oldtimer Pribina Star 2023 at LZNI airfield. Everyone who flies with wood, aluminium or archaerofiber is welcomed here.

What we are planning to do?:

  • August 4th: arrival of the participants by air or using paved or unpaved roads, we will welcome you with bread and salt
  • 5th: at a.m. the flag is pulled up and the „traditional paper order“ for the flight week is made + briefing for the first competition day will be held
  • 7th: Flying club party (for dancing couples with a total of more than 100 years accomplished in their „life logbook“, we are offering a free welcome drink)
  • 9th: Barbecue of seven meat treasures
  • 11th: Hangar party, announcement of the results and the silent descent of the flag under the dark night´s sky
  • 12th: Non - competition flying and „yalla home“!

Bulletin is available via mail



Gliders for rent

There is possibility to rent gliders during the competition. We can rent you Blaník L13/23 20€/hour, VSO10 15€/hour a DG1000 50€/hour. If you have more questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Preferred payment method is via bank transfer to an account SK11 0900 0000 0051 5429 3267 GIBASKBX.




where are we? click google map

Igor Ott sohaj425@gmail.com, +421 908 095 592

Jozef Ott jozef.ott@gmail.com, +421 903 889 869

Aeroclub Nitra, Dlhá 108, 94907 Nitra Slovakia